Our office offers a number of routine surgical procedures including spay and neuter. Surgeries are performed by appointment only Monday–Friday. We require pets to be dropped off between 7:00–8:00 a.m. on the morning of the scheduled procedure. Your pet’s surgical procedure will be reviewed with you by the veterinarian and a pre-surgical physical examination will be performed. Pets receiving surgery at our office should not be fed anything after 8:00 p.m. the night prior to surgery. Water does not need to be withheld. Pre-anesthetic blood work is recommended for all surgical patients and is required for all adult patients. A quote for all procedures will be provided during your pre anesthetic evaluation with the veterinarian.

As an AAHA accredited hospital we provide exceptional care. A dedicated staff member monitors all patients for the duration of anesthesia and during recovery until they are fully awake. Vital signs including heart rate, temperature, and blood oxygenation are continuously monitored. Special warming pads are used on all surgical patients to maintain body temperature while under anesthesia. IV fluids are given to many of our surgical patients while under anesthesia as well. Surgical patients are kept in a separate area of the hospital and are under constant supervision. Comfort is also a top priority at Hershey Veterinary Hospital and all our surgical patients receive pain medication.
The majority of our surgical patients will be discharged the same day. You will receive a phone call from our office when your pet’s procedure has been finished. A pickup time will be provided during this phone call. All pets will receive verbal as well as written instructions at the time of pickup to care for your pet after surgery. Recheck appointments will be scheduled at no charge to monitor your pet’s recovery following surgical procedures.
Spay (Ovariohysterectomy)
Surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries in dogs, cats, and rabbits. Our veterinarian recommends this procedure be performed at 6 months of age. Pets will be discharged the same day. Rest and limited activity is recommended for two weeks following this procedure. Learn more
Neuter (Castration)
Surgical removal of the testicles in dogs, cats, and rabbits. Our veterinarian recommends this procedure be performed at 6 months of age. Pets will be discharged the same day. Rest and limited activity is recommended for two weeks following this procedure. Learn more
Lump Removals
This includes removal of cysts, lumps, skin tags, and tumors. Removing lumps when they are small makes surgery and recovery easier, it can also increase the success of treatment for certain types of cancerous tumors. Lump removals may require general anesthesia or local anesthesia depending on the size and location of the lump. Histopathology is offered to determine the nature of the lump and if it is benign or malignant. Pets will be discharged the same day.
Cystotomy is the surgical removal of stones from the bladder that are too large to pass. Stones in the bladder can be a potential emergency if they try to pass and become lodged in the urethra. Cystotomy may be necessary for certain types of stones that do not dissolve with medical management. Any stones removed by cystotomy are submitted for analysis to determine their cause and what measures may be taken to prevent their reoccurrence. Pets receiving this procedure will be discharged the same day with written instructions for take home care. It is normal to see blood in your pet’s urine for several days following this procedure.
Urethral Hydropulsion
This is for the removal of passable stones from the bladder. For very small bladder stones that are caught quickly, hydropulsion may be an option. This procedure still requires anesthesia but does not involve any surgical cutting. The bladder is filled with fluid and gentle force is used to expel the stones from the bladder. Recovery is much quicker with this procedure and animals are discharged the same day.
Dental Cleaning
Scaling and polishing of teeth under anesthesia. Teeth are scaled above and below the gum line and then polished. Teeth are also probed for any cavities and to determine if there are any signs of dental disease that may not be easily visible. Owners will be given information on how to keep teeth clean at home following a cleaning. Pets are discharged the same day.
Dental Extractions
Removal of teeth that are fractured or infected. Teeth that are damaged can be extremely painful to pets. Removing these teeth requires anesthesia and sutures may or may not be necessary depending on the size and location of the removed tooth. It is recommended that pets be fed a soft diet following any dental extractions. Pets are discharged the same day.
This is a preventative surgery where the stomach is tacked to the abdominal wall. Gastropexy does not prevent bloat but does prevent the stomach from twisting, which is the main cause of death in dogs with GDV. We recommend this surgery for large breed and deep chested dogs, and it can easily be done at the time of spay or neuter. Strict rest is required for 2–3 weeks following this procedure. Most patients are discharged the same day.
Eye Enucleation
Eye Enucleation is the surgical removal of one or both eyes. This procedure requires anesthesia and is typically done for animals who have suffered an injury or who have end stage glaucoma. Removing the eye can eliminate a source of infection or chronic pain for the animal. Animals adapt well with one eye or no eyes if necessary. Pets are discharged the same day.
Aural Hematoma Repair
This is the surgical repair of a broken blood vessel in the ear. Blood vessels in the ear can break from chronic head shaking or scratching. When this happens the ear will fill up with blood under the skin, creating what looks like a balloon. If medical management is unsuccessful, surgical repair may be recommended. This involves the draining of the hematoma and suturing the ear to a piece of film to allow it to heal properly. Sutures remain in the ear for 3 weeks and are then removed. Pets are discharged the same day.
Laceration Repair
Surgical repair of cuts or wounds – this procedure may be performed with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. For deep lacerations a drain may be placed under the skin to allow for proper healing. A bandage may or may not be required. Pets are discharged the same day.
Caesarean Section
Surgical removal of puppies and kittens – this procedure is done on dogs and cats having difficulty with labor only when absolutely necessary. Anesthesia is required. Puppies and kittens delivered by c-section are recovered by a team of technicians and assistants. They will be reunited with mom to nurse as soon as she is finished with surgery. It is recommended to spay a dog or cat requiring a c-section but is not required. Mom and babies will be discharged the same day.